Guest of Honor: Opening Ceremony

Hon. Prof. Joyce Ndalichako
Minister, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Tanzania

Guest of Honor: Banquet

Dr. Hamisi H. Mwinyimvua
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy, Tanzania

Plenary Speakers

Prof. Jang Gyu Lee
Professor Emeritus, Seoul National University, Korea
Former-President, Adama University, Ethiopia

Title: An Ethiopia-Korea Partnership to Transform Adama Science & Technology University
Prof. Karoli Njau
Former-Vice Chancellor, The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Tanzania
Title: Potential contribution of biogas into the clean energy mix in Tanzania
Prof. Young Je Yoo
Professor Emeritus, Seoul National University, Korea
Honorary President, Scientist and Engineers without Borders

Title: Technology for Sustainable Development : 10 Years Experiences

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Yusufu Abeid Chande Jande
The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Tanzania
Title: Capacitive Deionization: The Emerging Technology for Desalination
Prof. Kyung-Jin Boo
Seoul National University, Korea
Title: Evolution of Korean Energy Policies and Its Implication for Tanzania
Dr. Mwemezi Rwiza
The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Tanzania
Title: Wood-burning Technologies and Sustainability
Prof. Eugene Park
Director, Innovative Technology Center for Sustainable Development, Ethiopia
Title: Introduction to iTCSD and Sustainable Innovation
Prof. In-Seob Han
University of Ulsan, Korea
Title: Manufacturing Process of Glucose from Cabbage Waste for Feeding a Biodiesel-producing Algae, Chlorella Protothecoides
Prof. Won-Shik Chu
Gyeongsang National University, Korea
Title: Smart Robots in Underwater Applications: a Research of Swimming Behavior
Prof. Junseok Hwang
Seoul National University, Korea
Title: Africa International Innovation Forum - Capacity Building and Higher Education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Dr. Herb Rhee
Innovative Technology and Energy Center, Tanzania
Title: Application of Ozone technology for Low Power, Low Cost Crop and Fruit Storage Development
Dr. Mark Yu Chul Jung
Afro-Light Technology & Mission Foundation, Uganda
Title: Development of Typing Training Game Application for Multi-Keyboard Users in One Community Computer
Prof. Doug Young Suh
Kyung Hee University, Korea
Title: Computer Games and the Flat World
Dr. Do-Won Kim
Inclusive Development Research Association for Mankind (i-DREAM), France
Title: Eco-industrial Development for Agriculture based Economy